Investments in Equities in India, including the investment in Surat, have yielded an average return of 12% over the past few decades. With increasing financial literacy and expectations of higher returns, a lot of young investors have entered the world of Equity investments. And along with them, there has been a tremendous increase in the intermediary service providers such as brokers and advisors. Even in tier 2 cities like Surat, there are multiple investment brokers available offering various range of services. In this situation, before finding the correct investment avenue the newbies are challenged to find the correct investment broker. There is a lot of confusion, with online platforms providing trading facilities at minimal charges but little advisory services and established brokers providing much-required guidance to the new investors but with little technological upgrade. So the question is how to find the perfect investment broker for your need? An investment broker is a service provider that buys and sells securities on your behalf while charging some fees on the overall trades. Key factors to consider while selecting an investment broker are: To determine the perfect broker for yourself, you first need to identify your investment style and needs. You can categorize yourself in one of the following: Traders generally undertake numerous trades with a short term perspective. They try to make a profit out of short term price fluctuations in the market where an important factor affecting their profitability is the brokerage charges. For the speed of transactions and minimal transaction costs are the determinant factors for selecting a broker. They can go for an online platform providing zero and low-cost trades with minimal advisory services. On the other hand, if you want to be a long term investor you might benefit from the additional research and advice provided by full-service brokers. Here the margins and transaction costs may be higher but as the number of transactions is expected to be comparatively low, the benefits of various services outweigh the costs. With the advancement in technology, investment brokers have also started offering online platforms with mobile applications. While selecting a broker a key consideration is to make sure you get the comfort of executing the trades without any physical document submissions or payments required. In the end, it is always a wise choice to go for an investment consultant in Surat who can provide you a one-stop solution for all your financial needs. There are a few financial advisors in Surat too, who can provide you a complete 360° wealth management guidance and brokerage services.
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